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1 Taranaki Street, Wellington | Box Office Ph: 04 801 7992

A Poetic Monologue of Shakespeare’s Life

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  This is the story of Anne Hathaway – the unsung hero in Williams Shakespeare’s life, left behind with three young children while her husband, eight years her junior, and pursued his theatrical dream. After the funeral, as Anne opens Shakespeare’s will, her memory...

The Cast of Lear – Part 2

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King Lear opens THIS WEEK! Let’s meet the second half of the cast!     STEPHEN PAPPS as Kent Kent is the loyal dog to the king – and dogged he is. He is true to Lear even when at odds with him. A true servant yet a maverick. He is brave and strong: “I...

The Cast of Lear- Part 1

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With King Lear Opening on 14 May we thought it would be a great idea for you to meet the cast. We sat the actors down and asked them for and comment and character quote. Enjoy.       RAY HENWOOD as King Lear  ‘It is a great thrill to play Lear with such a...