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The Happy Place: What Robin Williams Means to an Improvisor

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By: Aaron Alexander The shock came and the sadness lingered. The tributes have all been written, read and shared. The issues have been debated back and forth by people with wildly varying levels of basis for comment. And now, people, broadly speaking, are moving on. But I know...

Alex Greig: A View from the Bridge – ‘a wonderful story that is a pleasure to perform every night’

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DOTW: When did you decide that it was to be an actor’s life for you? AG: I guess I’ve always had a desire to perform, but it was during the latter years of high school that I decided it was definitely the path that I wanted to travel. DOTW: What was the first play that you...

Constellations: buzzing towards opening night!

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Constellations by Nick Payne is an award-winning play about free will and friendship, quantum multiverse theory, love and honey. The NZ Premiere opens at Circa Theatre in just one week on Saturday 26th July and runs until 23 August. Actors Erin Banks and Richard Dey and Director...

Acushla-Tara Sutton: A View from the Bridge – ‘drawn into the detailed world that Miller created’.

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This week on drama on the waterfront, A View from the Bridge actress Acushla-Tara Sutton talks about working on the next Circa One production and her newfound love of Arthur Miller.   DOTW: Is A View from the Bridge your first Miller play? AS: It is indeed. And what a piece...

Hikoi: then and now

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The 70s and 80 was a formative time for Aotearoa with much going on politically and socially. In Hīkoi, and set against this backdrop, we meet two ordinary, extraordinary characters Charlie and Nellie who fall in love, have kids and endeavour to live happily ever after. And, as...

Aroha White and 2080: a wave of creative productivity

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Playwright and actor AROHA WHITE is currently riding a wave of creative productivity at Circa Theatre, having her new play 2080 in development as part of Tawata Productions’ MDF 2014 as well as performing in Hapai Productions’HIKOI!  We caught up with AROHA just over a week away...

2b or nt 2b: our stories matter

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More from the characters of the 1st Gear Productions youth theatre double bill … this week on drama on the waterfront, we get a peek at an online chat between Hamlet and Antigone of 2b or nt 2b.   Hamlet and Antigone chat online about their plans for the evening....

4 Billion Likes!: ‘for everyone, really’

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The star of 4 Billion Likes! (one half of 1st Gear Productions’ youth theatre double feature), tells drama on the waterfront what to expect from her new show.   BLOG ENTRY MONDAY 5TH MAY 2014:   Hi! My name is Chloe Anderson and I live in Hamilton but am coming to...

Other Desert Cities: “impeccably-cast production”

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This week on drama on the waterfront, we meet the cast of Other Desert Cities. “I so much enjoyed Baitz’s play … the twists and turns are carefully exploited as each character creates their own history with such insight. I’d like to tell you what unfolded because it was that...


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“His show is a feast I would love to devour again and again”- Theatreview   He’s Bach! Well, not quite. Award-winning performer Thomas Monckton is back in Wellington with The Pianist and the countdown is on to opening night! Fresh from selling out across...

Other Desert Cities: A Family History Lush in Secrets

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Jon Robin Baitz’s funny, fierce, and immensely entertaining Other Desert Cities was one of the hottest tickets in New York. Baitz, creator of hit TV series, Brothers & Sisters, took America by storm with his Broadway debut. Nominated for five Tony Awards, this award-winning...

Helen Moulder: ‘one of the gutsiest theatre artists around’

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‘…received a standing ovation’ Laurie Atkinson, The Dominion Post ‘Helen Moulder as Gloria is a marvel’ Lucy Pickering, Keeping Up With NZ Helen Moulder has been described as one of the gutsiest theatre artists around, never afraid to try new things,...

Find out what the cast and crew think of Pasefika

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This week on drama on the waterfront, meet the cast and hear from the designers of Pasefika, Circa’s show for the New Zealand Festival. From the cast George Henare Baudelaire/Te Rangi “Insane! I love it!” My immediate reaction on reading this wonderful, articulate romp...

A chat with Mel Dodge about Charlotte Bronte

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Rehearsals for Miss Brontë are well underway and the whole team are finally united inWellington! Writer and performer Mel Dodge talks to publicist Debbie Fish about what inspired the creation of the show, working with Lyndee Jane Rutherford, and what Charlotte might have thought...


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Hi. We’re my accomplice. We are a local theatre company. We like to still consider ourselves young, even though we are four and a half years-old. People are always asking us how we make theatre. Where we get our ideas and resources. What our process is. So here we have assembled...

A Christmas Carol: A Christmas tradition

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This week on drama on the waterfront, a short note from Ray Henwood, who is soon to star in the return season of A Christmas Carol, about what Christmas means to him.   “Christmas is different for everybody. But all seem to have traditions when families strive to get...

Meet the Cast of Mother Goose!

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Meet the talented cast of Mother Goose – The Pantomime!     Gavin Rutherford  (Mother Goose) (Aladdin – The Pantomime, The Price) “I’m looking forward to this fantastic summer of pantomime. This year’s cast is fantastic and with a fresh look at...


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Director Lyndee-Jane Rutherford tells drama on the waterfront about Jason Chasland and his phenomenal one man show, The ImpoSTAR. Every now and then you come across a performer who is extraordinary, and Jason is one of those people.  I tell people Jason Chasland is a freak of...

The ImpoSTAR: Q & A with Jason Chasland

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The ImpoSTAR himself, Jason Chasland, tells drama on the waterfront about the new version of his hit show, revamped especially for the Circa season. What was your inspiration for The ImpoSTAR? My inspiration for The ImpoSTAR came from a lot of the celebrities I play within the...

“Great comedy and characters”: Carrie Green

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This week, drama on the waterfront talks to No Naughty Bits cast member Carrie Green about Monty Python, her Circa debut and censorship. DOTW: Please tell us a bit about your character in No Naughty Bits. CG: I play Nancy Lewis, a band promoter turned Python’s American publicist....